Ingenium presents 8 new incorporations

Ingenium Research Group (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) is focused on different projects about Internet of Things (IoT) and advanced analytics. Ingenium presents the incorporation of 8 new members. This work contract is focused on IoT platforms and data analysis of SCADA data. Python is chosen for this project, with the aim of implementing machine learning algorithms in the IoT platform. Ingenium continues working the IoT project focused on Renewable Energies, an…

Ingenium presents a new incorporation

Ingenium Research Group (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) is focused on different projects about Internet of Things (IoT) and advanced analytics. Ingenium presents the incorporation of Sergio Pérez. This work contract is focused on IoT platforms and data analysis of SCADA data. Python is chosen for this project, with the aim of implementing machine learning algorithms in the IoT platform. Ingenium continues working the IoT project focused on Renewable Energies, an industrial…

Ingenium Group – Publication Report: 2022

Publications in 2022 The Research is one of the main issues in Ingenium Group. The publications show the productivity, and they are employed to protect the intellectual property of the research work done. This report shows and analyses the publications in 2022 and over the last years. Download the report here. Out of 52 journal…

Ingenium presents the incorporation of Alfredo Peinado from Birmingham University

Ingenium Research Group (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)  presents the incorporation of Alfredo Peinado. This collaboration will be focused on differents reserach projects. Alfredo Peinado Gonzalo is graduated in Master of Science – MS Ingeniería industrial. He is currently doing the PhD in Birmingham Centre for Railway Research & Education (University of Birmingham). He is specialist in…

Ingenium attends the 2nd annual Excellence in Wind Turbine Life-Cycle Management Forum

Every year from now, up to 20.000 turbines around the world will be entering the second half of their 20-year design life, already having long since fallen out of standard manufacturer warranties. The turbines now increasingly attracting the attention of O&M technicians are bigger, heavier, taller, and much more complex than their predecessors. The 2nd…