
"The MERLIN project seeks to exploit long-endurance operational capabilities offered through the use of hydrogen fuel cells and renewable energy installed onboard Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV) and Autonomous Underwater Vessels (AUVs) which are capable of navigating and operating autonomously based on AI algorithms without the need for human intervention. A Mission Remote Control Centre (MRCC) will permit data from the autonomous vessels to be transmitted to base. Conversely, the MRCC will allow the transmission of commands from the supervisor to the robotic vehicles. "


"The ENDURUNS initiative is an 8.8 million euro and 4-year H2020 project, involving 18 partners from the EU and Korea, which aims to develop and demonstrate a long-lasting unmanned autonomous vehicle with a sliding capacity powered by a hydrogen fuel cell. The project is financially supported by the European Commission (RIA) and the Korean Government."


"WindSound will develop a new False Alarm Detection and Diagnosis (FADD) methodology for improving offshore WTs maintenance, by using acoustics sensors embedded in UAVs. WindSound will increase the safety of the workers, and avoid unnecessary travel to perform tasks on offshore installations. "


"Este proyecto pretende continuar y completar este estudio iniciado en el ámbito de los elementos rotativos y estructurales del aerogenerador, y de la gestión del mantenimiento de los mismos, haciendo un estudio más exhaustivo en los sistemas de monitorización y métodos de procesamientos de señales para los elementos de dichos equipos. Se tomará como referencia los datos obtenidos de los proyectos mencionados, además de los proyectos Europeos OPTIMUS, NIMO, WINPRO y el Nacional IcingBlades. Se elaborará un modelo del coste de ciclo de vida para el sistema predictivo de mantenimiento"


"The aim of the project is to actively contribute to the collaboration of potential clients in the solar energy sector during their life cycle. The RA4PV project aims to meet the needs of society by taking into account the agendas and deadlines set in the national (National Renewable Energy Plan 2011-2020) and European (H2020) technology development plans. The development of this project increases the levels of competitiveness of the national market, marking new advances in R+D+i.‎ "


"The project starts with the intention of continuing and completing the National WindSeaEnergy project (DPI2012-31579), observing that there is a great lack of mathematical models that allow the analysis of the signals that are being monitored by means of Non Destructive Tests (NDT) to determine the state of the structures, as well as in the optimal management of the structures. wind turbines and wind farms. OptiWindSeaPower has continued and completed this study initiated in the field of the rotating elements of the wind turbine and their maintenance management, making a more exhaustive study."


The project starts with the aim of extending and completing the National WindSeaEnergy (DPI2012-31579) and OptiWindSeaPower (DPI2015-67264-P) projects, where the most important scientific references in high impact journals were analysed, observing that there are great deficiencies in the mathematical models that allow the analysis of the signals that are being monitored to determine the state of the structures, as well as in the optimal management of the wind turbines and wind farms.


"Internet of the Things and Industry 4.0 are being developed due to the advances in the technology and information system. Large amount of data, their complexity, etc., i.e. the well-known Big Data, requires of reliable and robust internet platform together with advanced Analytics.With this purpose, Ingenium Research Group and Trendalyze are collaborating This project will be focus in Renewable Energies, an industrial strategic sector for the European Union, according to the white paper White Paper on Artificial Intelligence A European approach to excellence and trust."


"The objective of this R&D project, financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016, is the development of an intelligent tool based on monitoring systems embedded in UAVs for the optimization of the operation and maintenance of solar photovoltaic plants."



Ingenium will participate in RENEW 2020

Renewable energies offshore are becoming a significant contributor to the total energy produced in some countries and the interest in the subject is increasing. The 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2020) will be held at Congress Centre on the IST Alameda campus in Lisbon, Portugal on 12 – 15 October 2020. This Conference…

Ingenium receives financial support from the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional

Ingenium Research Group receives 121.059€ from the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha to carry out scientific research and a technology transfer project of 36 months. These funds have been co-financed by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, within the call for funds of Resolution of 18/12/2018, of Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes. The…

Ingenium consigue financiación a actividades de investigación dirigidas a grupos en el marco del Plan Propio de Investigación

El Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Política Científica de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha ha hecho pública la resolución definitiva para la convocatoria de financiación a actividades de investigación dirigidas a grupos en el marco del Plan Propio de Investigación, cofinanciadas por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), mediante la presentación de expresiones de interés.…

Novel condition monitoring system based on the analysis of noise waves of a wind turbine

Ingenium Research Group proposes a novel approach analyzing the noise waves in wind turbine fault detection. A novel condition monitoring system formed by an acoustic acquisition system embedded in a drone and connected to a ground station is developed for acoustic inspection. The noise present several sources, such as wind, wind turbine noise or the…

Premio Wendy Hall

Premios ‘Wendy Hall’ (2ª edición) a la mejor web de la UCLM en mejor web de investigación


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