Ingenium will be in «Wind Power Big Data and IoT – Way of Evolution»

Within the Wind power industry numerous spheres of Big Data analysis application are being discovered, empowering industry developers with advanced tools and techniques and providing wider opportunities for reliability and predictability improvement. Ingenium will present the main advances in Big and LoT Data in  taking place on 30th – 31st March 2017, in Park Hotel, Amsterdam,…

Pearson edita el libro «Manual Práctico para la optimización de la Toma de Decisiones»

Fausto Pedro García Márquez and Alberto Pliego Marugán have published a new monography entitled “Manual Práctico para la optimización de la Toma de Decisiones”. This work has been edited by Pearson that is one of the most important international editorials in this field. The objective of the book is to present different methods for decision…

Fausto Pedro García Márquez presented the main advances in Research and Learning of Ingenium Research Group in the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan (2016).

Fausto Pedro García Márquez presented the main advances in Research and Learning of Ingenium Research Group in the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan (2016). The Azerbaijani National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), the vice-president Isa Habibbayli science in the modern world, the role of education in this area and spoke about the high achievements. National…

Members of Ingenium Research Group from Castilla-La Mancha University and CUNEF, from Spain, presented their research advances in ICMSEM 2016 in Baku, Azerbaijan

Members of Ingenium Research Group from Castilla-La Mancha University and CUNEF, from Spain, presented their research advances in ICMSEM 2016. Baku holds opening ceremony of 10th International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM 2016). The opening ceremony of the conference was attended by Education Minister Mikail Jabbarov, Vice President of Azerbaijan’s National Academy of Sciences,(ANAS) Akif Alizadeh, as…

Mr Carlos Quiterio Gómez Muñoz presented the thesis “New Approaches on Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Structures Maintenance Management”

Mr Carlos Quiterio Gómez Muñoz presented the thesis entitled “New Approaches on Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Structures Maintenance Management”  15-July-2016, the thesis entitled “New Approaches on Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Structures Maintenance Management” was presented in the Viva, at the Industrial Engineering school of Ciudad Real (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), by the…

Mr Alberto Pliego presented the thesis «Approaches for quantitative and qualitative analysis of complex systems: Algorithms and case studies»

Mr Alberto Pliego presented the thesis entitled «Approaches for quantitative and qualitative analysis of complex systems: Algorithms and case studies» Last Friday, 15-July-2016, the thesis entitled “Approaches for quantitative and qualitative analysis of complex systems: Algorithms and case studies” was presented in the Viva, at the Industrial Engineering school of Ciudad Real (University of Castilla-La…