“Internet of the Things and Industry 4.0 are being developed due to the advances in the technology and information system. Large amount of data, their complexity, etc., i.e. the well-known Big Data, requires of reliable and robust internet platform together with advanced Analytics.”
IoT : Online Analytics Online Platform
Internet of Things and Online Analytics
Internet of the Things (IoT) is a novel approach to connect several types of devices and sensors to the internet and it is required novel approaches for its application at advanced levels of industry. The number and types of connections are being increased every year. The architectural limitations and the need of standardization of the data are fundamental issues in the development of this technology. In order to process and analyse the volume of the generated data, it is required advanced bid data analytics techniques. Online platforms are a reliable tool for managing the information acquisition from large data-sets.
Ingenium has set a strong strategy on it, beginning to design and develop advance analytics to work online and with Big Data. The approaches are mainly based in Artificial Intelligence, where Ingenium also participate on that together with the European Commission, where there is a clear policy to support it. Ingenium Research Group and Trendalyze are collaborating in IoT and Advanced Analytics. The Trendalyze innovative platform performs motif analysis, allowing real-time monitoring in an intuitive way with many advantages for the user. This platform offers a self-service platform for business and monitoring time-series data. The collaboration is looking for demos to apply research and to show innovation solution to the industry.
With this purpose, Ingenium Research Group has managed the first agreement between the Universities of Castilla-La Mancha and European , both located in Spain, for professional practices. This first professional practice will be focus on the advanced analytics on Big Data in an Internet of Things (IoT) platform, supported by the international firm Trendalyze.
This project will be focus in Renewable Energies, an industrial strategic sector for the European Union, together with the Artificial Intelligence, according to the white paper :
Ingenium presents 8 new incorporations
Ingenium presents a new incorporation
Ingenium participates in the International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing and Technologies (3ICT)
Keynote Speech of Prof. Fausto Pedro García Márquez in the the International Conference on Integrated Emergin Methods of Artificial Intelligence & Cloud Computing (IEMAICLOUD)
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