Ingenium presents 8 new incorporations

Ingenium Research Group (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) is focused on different projects about Internet of Things (IoT) and advanced analytics. Ingenium presents the incorporation of 8 new members. This work contract is focused on IoT platforms and data analysis of SCADA data. Python is chosen for this project, with the aim of implementing machine learning algorithms in the IoT platform. Ingenium continues working the IoT project focused on Renewable Energies, an…

Ingenium presents a new incorporation

Ingenium Research Group (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) is focused on different projects about Internet of Things (IoT) and advanced analytics. Ingenium presents the incorporation of Sergio Pérez. This work contract is focused on IoT platforms and data analysis of SCADA data. Python is chosen for this project, with the aim of implementing machine learning algorithms in the IoT platform. Ingenium continues working the IoT project focused on Renewable Energies, an industrial…

Ingenium presents a new incorporation

Ingenium Research Group (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) is focused on different projects about Internet of Things (IoT) and advanced analytics. Ingenium presents the incorporation of Alba Muñoz del Rio. This work contract is focused on IoT platforms and data analysis of SCADA data. Python is chosen for this project, with the aim of implementing machine learning algorithms in the IoT platform. Ingenium continues working the IoT project focused on Renewable Energies,…

IEM-UEM has organised a Foreign Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Fausto Pedro Garcia on Artificial Intelligence and Energy

The Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM-UEM) has organised a Foreign Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Fausto Pedro García on 8th october. IoT is a relevant concept and it is required novel research for its application at advanced levels of industry and society. Fausto Pedro García Márquez, full professor at the Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) University and director…

Ingenium participated in the 14th ICMSEM 2020

The 14th International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management has been successfully held online during Jul. 31 – Aug. 1, 2020 hosted in Chisinau, Moldova. This conference is organized by the International Society of Management Science and Engineering Management, Sichuan University and Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.    Ingenium presented different research works…

Ingenium participates as co-editor with Fausto Pedro García in the Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (Vol. I and II)

This book gathers the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM 2020). Held at the Academy of Studies of Moldova from July 30 to August 2, 2020, the conference provided a platform for researchers and practitioners in the field to share their ideas and experiences.  Covering a wide range…