The 10th Annual Wind Power Big Data and IoT forum will be held on 9-10th December

The 10th Annual Wind Power Big Data and IoT forum will be held on 9-10 December. The two-day event provides leading insights for  developers and operators looking to explore new market opportunities and improve operational efficiency in Wind Turbine sensor data and Wind operation and maintenance (O&M). This Edition of Wind Power Big Data conference…

Online Symposium on «New Developments in Structural Health Monitoring of Wind Turbines»

Online Symposium on » New Developments in Structural Health Monitoring of Wind Turbines”, organized in the framework of DTU-New York University-Tufts University collaborative network, 23 November 2020, 8 am-12 pm (EST), 2 pm – 6 pm (CET).   The symposium includes presentations by Professor Nikhil Gupta (NY University), Professor Fausto Pedro García Márquez (Universidad Castilla-La Mancha), Professor Christof Devriendt (VU Brussels), Professor Dimitrios…

Ingenium participates in AEND Magazine #92

Ingenium continues collaborating with national magazines. Some of the advances of the research group are presented in the cover of the new issue of the magazine of the Spanish Association of Non-Destructive Testing (AEND). Recent news associated with the Ingenium Group are presented, highlighting the organization of the ICMSEM Congress in 2021. We have developed…

IEM-UEM has organised a Foreign Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Fausto Pedro Garcia on Artificial Intelligence and Energy

The Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM-UEM) has organised a Foreign Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Fausto Pedro García on 8th october. IoT is a relevant concept and it is required novel research for its application at advanced levels of industry and society. Fausto Pedro García Márquez, full professor at the Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) University and director…

Ingenium will participate in RENEW 2020

Renewable energies offshore are becoming a significant contributor to the total energy produced in some countries and the interest in the subject is increasing. The 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2020) will be held at Congress Centre on the IST Alameda campus in Lisbon, Portugal on 12 – 15 October 2020. This Conference…

New article «ENDURUNS: An Integrated and Flexible Approach for Seabed Survey Through Autonomous Mobile Vehicles «

The oceans cover more than two-thirds of the planet, representing the vastest part of natural resources. Nevertheless, only a fraction of the ocean depths has been explored. Within this context, this article presents the H2020 ENDURUNS project that describes a novel scientific and technological approach for prolonged underwater autonomous operations of seabed survey activities, either…