"THE 15 TH
The International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM), an annual conference organized by the International Society of Management Science and Engineering Management (ISMSEM). The conference will foster international research collaborations in Management Science and Engineering Management as well as provide a forum for presenting current research in the form of technical sessions and round table discussions during the conference period in a nice relaxing enjoyable atmosphere. Springer will be applied to publish all the accepted papers of 2021 ICMSEM.

IMPORTANT DATES: ICMSEM 2021 will take place on the 2ND AND 3RD OF AUGUST.
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Ms. Ruolan Li (Tel: +86-28-85415143)
Room 601, School of Business,
Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, P. R. China
E-mail: icmsem@aliyun.com
The International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM), an annual conference organized by the International Society of Management Science and Engineering Management (ISMSEM), with the collaboration of the University of Castilla_La Mancha for the Fiveteenth ICMSEM conference. The conference will foster international research collaborations in Management Science and Engineering Management as well as provide a forum for presenting current research in the form of technical sessions and round table discussions during the conference period in a nice relaxing enjoyable atmosphere. Springer will be applied to publish all the accepted papers of 2021 ICMSEM.
The program committee and organizing committee of ICMSEM cordially invite you to submit your paper to the Fifteenth ICMSEM (2021 ICMSEM), encouraging you to solve problems, put forward new ideas and innovate with new methods and technologies for practical problems. All papers related to theoretical developments and applications of management science and engineering management are warmly welcomed. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
Business System Modeling and Simulation Industrial Process and System Automation Industrial
Computer and Networks Information Management and Big Data Era
Computer Artificial Neural Network Information Technology
Computing Methodology Intelligent System and Artificial Intelligence
Data Analytics Innovation Healthcare Management and Wellbeing
Data Mining Inventory Optimization
Data Processing and System Analysis Logistics Engineering
Decision Support System Operations Research
Doing business in a global economy Operational Management
E-commerce Platform and Shared Economy
Ecological Engineering Project management
Energy Management Risk Management
Enterprise Information Network Technology Resource Management
Environment and sustainable development Services and Industrial Engineering
Green Supply Chain Management Security management and technology
Healthcare Services Science and Technology Law
Healthcare Management and Wellbeing System Simulation
Health and Longevity Virtual Enterprise Network Design
Higher Education and Science Management
The accepted papers will be published in “Proceedings of the Fiveteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management” by Springer. The Proceedings of the 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th ICMSEM have been archived by ISTP retrieval and the Proceedings of the 1st, 3rd, 6th ,7th, 8th, 9th and 10th ICMSEM have been archived by EI retrieval. The Proceedings of the 11th and 12th ICMSEM have been delivered to EI retrieval. The Proceedings of the 13th ICMSEM have been archived by EI retrieval. The Proceedings of the 15th ICMSEM will be delivered to both ISTP and EI retrieval.
More information in: http://www.icmsem.org/
Containing original and unpublished results, full papers in English are solicited. The length of a paper should be 8-12 pages using Conference LaTeX template or Word template. Please submit your papers by Email (icmsem@aliyun.com). The program committee will select high quality papers to contribute to the International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management.
Registration fee is US$600, which includes reviewing fee, editing fee, indexing fee and a copy of the conference proceedings, the conference banquets and some social programs. Note that any paper over 12 pages will be subject to an extra US$25 per extra page.
Abstracts submission deadline: November 20, 2020
Papers submission deadline: December 20, 2020
Acceptance Notification deadline: February 20, 2021
Early Registration deadline: April 20, 2021
Ms. Tingting Liu (Tel: +86-28-85415143)
Room 601, School of Business,
Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, P. R. China
E-mail: icmsem@aliyun.com
The Organizing Committee received 682 papers from 24 countries and only 126 papers from 19 countries were accepted for a presentation or poster display at the conference after a rigorous review.
- Buy Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management Volume 1 here.
- Buy Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management Volume 2 here.
The 15th ICMSEM was held online in August 2- August 3, 2021, in Toledo, Spain
Ingenium Research Group and Universidad Europea have been awarded with the Grand Prize in the International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM 2021)
Ingenium will organize the Fifteenth International Conference of Management Science and Engineering Management in Toledo, Spain
Ingenium participated in the 14th ICMSEM 2020
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