Ingenium receives financial support from the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional

Ingenium Research Group receives 121.059€ from the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha to carry out scientific research and a technology transfer project of 36 months. These funds have been co-financed by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, within the call for funds of Resolution of 18/12/2018, of Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes. The…

Ingenium participates in the European Commission meeting of the Enduruns project.

The meeting to control and monitor the evolution of the Enduruns project has been attended on Monday 22nd June with the European Comission Innovation and Networks Executive Agency by videoconference due to the Covid19. In this meeting, the evolution and status of the work packages of the project were presented, describing the most relevant technical…

Ingenium is advancing on the Internet of Things and online analytics

Ingenium Research Group has managed the first agreement between the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha and Universidad Europea, both located in Spain, for professional practices (for more information please contact to This first professional practice will be focus on the advanced analytics on Big Data in an Internet of Things (IoT) platform. IoT will be…

Ingenium consigue financiación a actividades de investigación dirigidas a grupos en el marco del Plan Propio de Investigación

El Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Política Científica de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha ha hecho pública la resolución definitiva para la convocatoria de financiación a actividades de investigación dirigidas a grupos en el marco del Plan Propio de Investigación, cofinanciadas por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), mediante la presentación de expresiones de interés.…

Novel condition monitoring system based on the analysis of noise waves of a wind turbine

Ingenium Research Group proposes a novel approach analyzing the noise waves in wind turbine fault detection. A novel condition monitoring system formed by an acoustic acquisition system embedded in a drone and connected to a ground station is developed for acoustic inspection. The noise present several sources, such as wind, wind turbine noise or the…

Ingenium and Trendalyze collaborate in IoT and advanced analytics

Nowadays, the Industry 4.0 is being developed due to the advances in the technology and information system. Large amount of data, their complexity, etc., i.e. the well known Big Data, requires of reliable and robust internet platform together with advanced Analytics. Ingenium Research Group and Trendalyze are collaborating in Internet of Things (IoT) and Advanced…