Jesús María Pinar Pérez recibe el 2º accésit al premio ELCOGAS AL MEJOR PROYECTO FIN DE CARRERA/TRABAJO FIN DE MASTER 2011 por su trabajo fin de master con título: CORPORATE STRATEGY AND DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES: THREE CASE STUDIES IN THE WIND ENERGY BUSINESS. 23 de Noviembre de 2011

Dynamic capabilities can play varying roles for firms depending upon the corporate entry trajectory undertaken to seize emerging business opportunities arising from adjacent industries. Based on a case study methodology in the Spanish wind energy business, we found that firms make use of dynamic capabilities to integrate, reconfigure, and gain and release resources when entering the targeted industry with their respective expansion, related diversification and unrelated diversification moves. Evidence of strong path dependence in the inter-industry change of resources is also detected.

Key words: Dynamic capability; corporate-level strategy; entry trajectory; case study; wind energy.